Friday, September 3, 2010

Pesto Chicken w/Asparagus and Tomatoes

One of my favorite ways to cook chicken is very simply in olive oil and lemon. But I had a jar of homemade pesto lying around, and for some reason I couldn't find a good use for it, so I figured I'd spice up my usual fare with some basil-y goodness.

I marinated the chicken in white wine, pesto, olive oil and lemon juice for about 5 hours or so, which resulted in the following:

Currently, I am obsessed with my cast iron skillet, so it was basically a foregone conclusion that this would be cooked in one. I chopped up a few stalks of scallions, 2 cloves of garlic, a half pound of asparagus and a half pound or so of cherry tomatoes and threw it all in together.

I had a box of rice pilaf that I had meaning to eat, so I plated the two. The dish was good, with the vegetables really being the star. The asparagus and tomatoes turned out perfectly, with the former having a nice crunch, and lots of lemon and garlic flavor, and the latter melting like butter. The chicken, although good, was slightly dry. I was feeling a little to lazy to brine my chicken, and thus, dry.

Overall, B+.

Books: "The Big Sleep" - Raymond Chandler

I am about halfway through this 1939 crime novel right now, and it is amazing. Philip Marlowe, the protagonist, is spectacularly witty and has a cold demeanor that is both enthralling and humorous. Marlowe is a private eye, hired by the rich and aging General Sternwood to thwart a blackmailer, who at every turn, sees what no one else (including the reader at times) does.

However, the best part of the book so far has been Chandler's eloquent prose used in describing the city scape and the Holmes-esque ability Marlowe has at reading people. Should be a good read, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Humphrey Bogart does Marlowe in the movie.

Overall, A+ (so far)

Random Fun Thing: Book Reading at Desert Island, Julia Wertz, 7 PM

If you're interested at all in alt-comic, I highly recommend checking out Julia Wertz' (of Fart Party acclaim) new book, "Drinking At The Movies." This strongly candid, and oft-hilarious biography of Wertz' first year living in New York is one of my favorite comics I've read in a while. Her art, while simple, fits her narrative to a tee.

You can check out her other work at

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